It's been a little while since I've posted now.
I've been pretty busy these past few weeks. In fact, the only reason I've managed to find the time to turn my PC on and write this post is because I've been off work due to an unsightly (and painful) rash on my feet.
I've been working in the salon for 2 months now, and it really has been great. I'm enjoying the work and it's getting closer to the point where I'll begin my education.
A few things may have changed in that respect; it's still TBC but it's possible that my training provider may change, which means I'll only be trained in house. This is pretty awesome as my boss will be directing a lot of this training. As he was trained by Vidal Sassoon I completely trust his knowledge and I think I'll have a much better quality of eductation in the salon. Not to mention that it'll be 1 to 3 tutoring rather than 1 to 30.
Note the slight graduation |
The bob was bevelled in the back |
The completed bob |
Using free hand cutting, we fixed the graduation on the neck when the cut was dried. |
I did my first haircut on a block at my last training session. We were taught to cut a bob - which is apparently the hardest haircut in the book to master. I didn't find it too hard to do really, although my final product did have a little graduation in the bottom. We were taught how to fix this but it's something to keep in mind for my future training sessions. After how well that session went, I'm confident that I'll progress nicely as a hairdresser! I really enjoyed it actually.
If you're training in hairdressing and are looking for some scissors, I found these on Amazon for only £11.50. They worked brilliantly. They're nothing special - don't use them on clients - but for blocks they're perfectly acceptable. And they're rainbow which is super cool.
Ok I guess that's sort of it for now. I'm sure I'll have plenty more to post about when my training is in full swing.