Monday, 30 May 2016

I Got The Job!


So I completed my last two trial days as of Saturday.

I really enjoyed myself. I did one more shampoo and then at the very end of the day I was asked to partake in an experiment with a client who was previously a very well-established hairdresser. I was to do one shampoo, another new employee was to do the second shampoo, and a more experienced apprentice was to do the head massage and condition.

When I did my shampoo with her, her feedback was absolutely invaluable. She gave me good notes on pressure and technique. I had been taught by the apprentices there to begin with a scrubbing motion around the forehead, but her advice - which made total sense to me - was to begin with small rotations around the hairline to ensure that the visible parts of the hair would get a thorough clean.

Another good tip she gave me was to 'make sure you get in there and scrub every bit'. I don't know exactly what this made me do, but I can remember just making sure my hands were working the shampoo all around the crown area of the head, and I found myself using bigger gestures around the scalp. She responded very positively, so I must've been doing it right.

At the end of my shift on the Saturday, Daniel took my aside and asked me what I thought. I told him how much I enjoyed myself, and although I didn't mention it to him, I felt as though I had made some strong bonds with the other apprentice who was there that day. We got on pretty well and actually ended up with some playful banter towards the end of the day. He told me that there was another girl who was meant to be coming in for some experience this week. I already knew this so I was expecting him to give me a date to hear back from him. But actually, he looked at me and said "I'm going to go with my gut here and just say, welcome to the team" and he shook my hand. I was so shocked I could've cried! It was definitely a great ending to a rather stressful day. My grandmother had unfortunately passed away at 3am; about 6 hours before I was meant to do my last day of this work experience. I like to think she was watching over me that day ♥

And that's that! I guess I can now continue this blog by writing all about what I learn at college and from working in the salon.

Thanks for reading,


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